Use summer to stay sharp
Have you seen the commercials for tutoring companies, promoting summer tutoring to “avoid summer learning loss”? The idea is, you bring your child to the learning center so that when summer is over, and the alarm clocks are set to an ungodly hour again, they are ready to hit the school halls on all cylinders. This concept shouldn’t just apply to children. None of us retain everything, and keeping sharp helps business. Are your ACT! skills as sharp as they can be? What about your team’s skills?
Summer can be a slow time for a lot of businesses. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It’s also a great time to hone your business skills. During the summer months, dust off your favorite sales motivation book or ask a colleague what reads have inspired them. Think of it as keeping your business mind sharp for the busy season, just like keeping your child ready for reading and math. And, not even just ready – AHEAD!
During the implementation of a CRM system, we spend a ton of time and money customizing the database to be just so. We painstakingly ensure it’s installed correctly. And at the end, we train the users. Then we send them out to use their ACT! diligently; to track their every sales move. <Insert crickets chirping.> Are they? Maybe not as well as they could be. That may not be because they don’t want to, or even that they are avoiding it. It may simply be they don’t know how, or they don’t remember. So, call your friendly neighborhood ACT! Certified Consultant. Let’s talk about avoiding that ACT! learning loss by booking a training, or a custom web series . Call us at (410) 472-5058, or e-mail us at