Getting a CRM System to Fit Like Your Favorite Jeans

You know those jeans you love? The ones that match your shape perfectly and have worn in all the right places until they are soft and flexible and oh so comfortable? Yeah, those.
We all hate the thought of getting rid of those jeans. You know why? It takes time to achieve that kind of fit.
Your CRM system is much the same. When a CRM application is right, it’s intuitive to operate and adds value to the business. But if it’s wrong, even basic activities like tracking leads and projecting revenues can become an absolute headache.
That’s why the best CRMs for small businesses are customizable. A CRM system may start out “off the shelf” like a pair of Levi’s, but it becomes more powerful as it is aligned with the business.
A customized CRM reflects a company’s actual processes, not the developer’s defaults. It alerts sales reps with the optimal action, not recommend an email when only a call will do. And it tracks the results the business owner most cares about, offering far more than a few standard reports. Taken to this level, the CRM application becomes an essential tool for everyone on the team.
The only problem, achieving the perfect CRM fit takes requires a huge time investment if you do it yourself. You have to research the product options, download the free trials for the top contenders, and then give each one a serious test run. Once a selection is made, you have to spend quality time with the user manual and help files to make the necessary adaptations.
There is an easier answer, however—outsource! Most business owners don’t do their own taxes (at least after their first profitable year), so why do so many expect to become CRM experts alongside all of their other responsibilities?
We’re not talking ground-up application development here. That can be risky and costly. But today there are a number of proven solutions on the market that allow for substantial customization. 3Leaf CRM keeps tabs on the industry and guides clients in selecting the best product starting place.
Among our most highly recommended CRM systems are Zoho and Act! We love them because they are powerful yet easy to use. We’ve dug deep into these applications and take advantage of all of the available features to meet our clients’ individual specifications. Not comfortable loading your databases? We’ll do it for you. Want alerts to prompt sales reps to call then email then call? No problem. Need to see your sales projections three different ways? We can put it in there.
It’s an investment that pays off. Because the less time you spend researching the CRM market and delving into the fine points of application set-up, the more you can spend growing your business. And when you enjoy the advantages of a CRM system as comfortable as your favorite jeans—within weeks, not years—your sales process gets easier and success comes faster.
Ready to get started? Get in touch any time.